Morbi et tellus imperdiet, aliquam nulla sed, dapibus erat. Aenean dapibus sem non purus venenatis vulputate. Donec accumsan eleifend blandit. Nullam auctor ligula

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Our Proposition


Here at StatsMax we know it is inevitable for subscribers to shy away from making referrals after seeing the value in our services, for this sole reason we have set up an optional referral reward system.
A unique referral system that not only reward you with cash benefit once your referral code is used but continue to reward you as long as your referrals are active.
What is Refer$Earn?
It is a simple referral system where your referral code is used to sign up a subscriber; you can find your referral code on user dashboard
How Do I Opt In?
StatsMax  Refer$Earn is optional, so it requires a series of action taken by interested subscribers in order to benefit from it. However, it is as easy as it comes, all it takes is to share your referral code with friends and family.
How Do I Qualify?
Once you become an active subscriber, all you need is have 12 active subscribers sign using your referral code. It is important to note that all 12 referrals must be active WITHIN a 21-day period. Day 1 of the 21-day period commences the day your first referral becomes ACTIVE.
Is StatsMax Refer & Earn a pyramid scheme?
It is simply a referral system as seen in most prestigious organization and institution and NOT a pyramid scheme. It is optional and the cash reward is attainable on the premise of 12 active subscribers signing up using your referral code.
Is it a one time cash reward and how much do I stand to get?
This is where it gets interesting, the Refer$Earn is NOT a one time cash reward program, rather, the system is designed to continue rewarding participants up to 20% of total users as long as the criteria of 12 active subscribers within a 21-day window is met.
How do I get paid?
In the course of the 21-day period you can monitor your active subscribers and also view your potential cash reward on your account dashboard. 
Please note that in order for your reward to be credited into your account you MUST be an active subscriber.